Join us for this special Novena every 25th of the month (26th in December) at 7 pm at St. Ladislaus Chapel. This beautiful service combines three repetitions of the rosary, Novena to Mary and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The Rosary is prayed in multiple languages. There is a mass in Polish preceding the Novena at 6:30 pm. Many healings and favors are attributed to Our Lady of Pompeii.
First Holy Communion
May Devotion
The May devotions will be celebrated on the following days: on Tuesdays (E), Wednesdays (P) after 6:30 p.m. Masses and on Fridays at 6:00 pm (P) at St. Florian. On Saturdays in the Chapel of St. Ladislaus after 4:00 pm (E) Mass and Sundays after 6:30 pm (P) Mass.
Crowning of the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary will take place May 1 after the 6:30 pm Mass.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
On Friday, March 22, during Mass. at. 6:30 pm in the church of St. Floriana, a group of young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from the hands of Fr. Bishop. Donald Hanchon.
Lenten Reflection
We will have our Lenten Reflection at the weekend masses March 30 and 31. Rev. Przemyslaw Nowak will preside at those masses.
St. Ladislaus Chapel – Christmas Schedule 2018
St. Florian Parish – Christmas Schedule 2018
All Souls Day Scripture and Rosary Service
The Month of the Holy Rosary
During October, we will pray the rosary as follows:
- After 4 pm mass on Saturdays
- After 6:30 pm mass on Sundays
- At 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.