With Praise and Thanksgiving to God Our Father we invite you to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of St. Ladislaus Church on September 26, 2020, at the 4 PM mass at St. Ladislaus Chapel.
Registration for religious education, Polish and history class
Fr. Frankowski Farewell Celebration
To honor Father Miroslaw Frankowski for thirteen years as Pastor of St. Florian Parish, a Farewell Celebration will take place on Sunday, August 30th, 2020.
A Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated at 11 am at St. Florian Church immediately followed by an outdoor reception Social distancing and wearing of masks is required in church and around the church grounds.
First Holy Communion
Sacrament of Confirmation
Our Lady of Pompeii Day
Strawberry Festival canceled
St. Florian Parish has decided to cancel this year’s Strawberry Festival. The health and safety of all our parishioners, benefactors and friends are of utmost importance. You are in our prayers during this challenging time.
Holy Masses Canceled
Today, March 13th, Archbishop Allen Vigneron has temporarily suspended all public masses in the Archdiocese until Thursday, April 30. This is effective Saturday, March 14th. Masses will be available each day via live-stream and other media channels. You can find these at www.aod.org