Easter Schedule
Lenten Retreat
On March 10 during the 4 pm at St. Ladislaus and on March 11 during the 12:30 pm mass, we are having a Lenten Retreat led by Fr. Tomasz Pietrzak, SChr.
Bible Study Class
St. Florian Parish is offering a Bible Study class that will begin on Tuesday April 3. The class consists of a video, study guide and group discussions facilitated by Deacon Mike McCrandall.
For more information please contact parish office 313-871-2778 or check our website .
Musical Impression of the Passion
Theater group of St. Florian Parish invites you to the Musical Impression of the Passion of the Our Lord to the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit on February 23 (Friday) at 6 pm
Address of the cathedral:
9844 Woodward, Detroit MI 48202.
Pre-Lenten Dance Party
On Saturday, February 3, 2018 St. Florian Parish is hosting a Pre-Lenten Dance Party in the Church Hall. Tickets are $35.00 per person and can be purchased after weekend masses or at the Rectory during office hours.
Christmas Concert
On January 21 at 2 pm, we will have a Christmas concert at St. Florian Church. There will be several groups performing Christmas carols in Polish and English.
Admission is free.
Christmas Schedule 2017
New Year’s Party 2017
The St. Florian Parish invites you to New Year’s Party on December 31, 2017 at 7p.m. in the Church Hall. Tickets can be purchased at the Rectory during office hours or after the weekend masses. The price is $60.00 per person. Music by Band “ONI”.
Adwentowe Refleksje 2017
Parafia św. Floriana zaprasza na Adwentowe Refleksje w j. polskim w dniach 8, 9 i 10 grudnia 2017, które poprowadzi ks. mgr Piotr Janas, TChr.
Hasło wiodące tych spotkań – „Przyjdź Panie Jezu”.
Rozkład Mszy i nabożeństw jest następujący:
W kościele św. Floriana:
- W Piątek 8 grudnia Msza św. o godz. 6:30 p.m.
- W Sobotę 9 grudnia o godz. 10:00 a.m. Msza św. z udzialem dzieci i młodzieży, a o godz. 7:00 p.m.
- Nabożeństwo Eucharystyczne dla małżeństw i rodzin, w niedzielę o godz. 10:30 a.m. Msza św.
- W kaplicy św. Władysława w niedzielę 10 grudnia Msza św. o godz. 9:00 a.m. i o 6:30 p.m.