High School Class of ’71 – Christmas Party
The St. Florian High School Class of ’71 is having a Christmas party at Polka Dot in Hamtramck on Saturday, December 7th starting at 5 pm.
Tickets are $25.
Bring a wrapped gift reminiscent of St. Florian or of that era (something you have or buy for less than $10).
RSVP at 313-873-2148.
New Year’s Eve ball
All Souls Day Scripture and Rosary Service
St. Florian Parish All Souls Day Scripture and Rosary Service.
Sunday, November 3, 2019, for Deceased Parishioners and Benefactors, Family and Friends.
Mt. Olivet Cemetery at 3:00 p.m. Mausoleum in the New Section
You may bring candles in holders for graves.
Independence Ball
Love and Mercy
“Love and mercy”
St Ladislas Church – 10/13/2019 at 7:30 pm.
Screening with the director
The Month of the Holy Rosary
Polish Soup Festival
St. Florian Parish organizes the Polish Soup Festival on Sunday, October 27 from 11:30 am to 6:00 pm. We cordially invite you for tasty Polish soups, dinners and homemade pastries. Polish beer and other drinks available at the bar. Games for kids. Music – The Kielbasa Kings Polka Band (2pm – 6pm).
Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii – Queen of the Holy Rosary
Join us for this special Novena every 25th of the month (26th in December) at 7 pm at St. Ladislaus Chapel. This beautiful service combines three repetitions of the rosary, Novena to Mary and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The Rosary is prayed in multiple languages. There is a mass in Polish preceding the Novena at 6:30 pm. Many healings and favors are attributed to Our Lady of Pompeii.